Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Three Stooges

Some people need to avoid populating the gene pool. Tonight was a keen example of that fact.  There were three gentlemen (I use this term loosely) at my local watering hole.  Larry, Moe & Curly range in age: roughly 27, 40 and 65 respectively.  Well, the eldest man, "Curly" is a widower with an endless amount of cash and penchant for younger men with serious misogynistic tendencies.  "Moe" is the middle-aged man whose story is a little fuzzy.  And "Larry", well, he is the youngest of the trio and also the loudest-- or annoying, whichever word you choose will work just fine.

So, apparently today was "420" day.  A celebration of marijuana... well the trio must have celebrated A LOT.  They were bleary-eyed and stupid. They were concentrating the stupid with a side of beer to create a mess known as "morons that walk upright".  They were hooting and hollering at everything with tits.  

Look, I'm all about having a good time but this was ridiculous.  I imagine the display I witnessed was something akin to cave men who were bored on a Friday night with no animals to kill.  Seriously... high, drunken, moronic displays of manhood are not something in which one should aspire.  


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