Thursday, May 6, 2010


 Why is it that most humans will let a relationship die, but won't get rid of the junk in their garage?

I think I may have an answer.  It takes too much effort to either (a) save the relationship or (b) sort through the junk.  Essentially, it's these things are the same.  We never want to admit when something is good OR bad for ourselves.  We walk through life with rose-colored blinders on and pretend to frolic through the daisies.

I, for one, am tired of these mindless idiots that don't mind hoarding 10 years worth of newspapers but have no problem letting a person walk right out of their life.  I'm beginning to blame it on social networking.  In the past I've been a huge advocate for technology and how it can bring former friends, who would have otherwise faded into oblivion, back into a person's life.  What I am discovering is that, unfortunately, people are giving up the live, flesh-and-blood people in their lives, for the "virtual" friendships of the past.  It's cool to connect with those from high school (for some of us, others wish they could wash the memory from existence).  But, there is a point where there is nothing left to talk about.  The whole relationship is in the past.  I'm not sure about you folks, but I've always been taught that living in the past is bad... because it prevents us from moving forward.  

So... my little piece of advise for you guys today: make sure to discard the proper things in life... old cereal boxes, soda cans (recycled of course), that t-shirt with 40 holes in it, toxic friends, animals with the plague.  You get my drift.

Don't worry, I'm not going soft on you guys... this crap really does annoy the Hell out of me.

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