Sunday, January 24, 2010

Privacy Please

Sometime in December, Facebook creator Mark Zuckerburg decided that his over 350 million users didn't need their privacy.  The default setting for a Facebook profile was set to "everyone".  Which meant that everyone on God's green Earth could see whatever you had posted on your profile.  

It took a little time for users to realize that everything we did on FB was now viewable by ALL our friends and the friends of those friends.  Every "like", "add", "comment" and what-have-you, now shows up in the "News Feed".  Ridiculous.  

I tend to be one of the more private people in the world... hence my anonymity on this blog.  I was LIVID when I found out that it was as easy as "click" for anyone on my "friend's list" to see what I had written on a non-mutual friend's wall.  This article explains it better than I can and makes me happy to know that I'm not alone in my dismay.  To my surprise and delight there is also an official petition to change the settings back-- brought to you by the ACLU!  If that's not enough, you can join the FB Group called "Bring back News Feed and Wall privacy settings"

I'm not sure about you all... but I find that the entire situation is bull crap and I'm seriously pissed off by "Zuck's" lack of consideration for what the masses seem to want.  Seriously... why would I want to share pictures of my family, pets or last drunken party with the world?  There may be a ton of exhibitionists out there but I find that they are limited in number and that regular folks like your's truly just want to be left alone.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Daddy says I'm the Best"

Do you have that one friend who never stops talking?  I don't mean a "Chatty Cathy" ... I'm talking about the friend who is CONSTANTLY talking about how "great" they are?  Yep, that one.  

Good Lordy... today it was, "Everyone in the world loves me and wants me to be their love monkey; performing circus sex daily." Yes, I'm exaggerating but you get my point.  I sat and listened to that sort of nonsense for 1 hour and 47 minutes this evening!  Argh!  I This has become a daily occurrence and I can't seem to find the "off" switch!

I realize those readers who are in the mental health field are saying, "They are just insecure and speaking this way to validate their own existence."  I'm trackin'... but, it doesn't make it any less annoying.  After about 25 minutes, I start feeling like regardless of what I say, they've done it better, faster, longer and with more gusto than I ever could.  I was like-- I'm talkin' to Captain Freakin' America, I better show some respect!  

~~My sarcasm, it never sleeps.~~

So, to all of you who have a friend like that.  I find it best to just let them talk.  All you're gonna do, if you point it out, is crush whatever fragment of ego (if any) they still have.  Although, you could do what I'm doing... and that is slowly weening them off the friendship-- which is a bummer because they really are good people, sort of.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I'm tired of the misinformed masses that suck up the precious air we breathe.  

The tragedy in Haiti is just that ... tragic.  Mother Nature can be a vengeful mistress and Haiti has been her target multiple times in the last two years.  

Here is a little fact file on Haiti, compiled by the CIA.  I recommend that everyone read up.

I was discussing the plight of the people in this extremely impoverished country and their response was, "Why in the hell are we scampering to send money to those people?"  I said, "Seriously?  You really don't know?" They responded that "we" (Americans, I'm assuming) need to stop sending money to other countries and help ourselves-- "they put themselves in their current position".  Wow.  My response must of sounded harsh (like I care).  But, I said, "Wow, are you always this ignorant?"  There was a long pause... rightly so.

I continued... those people didn't ask to be poor.  That country, like so many others in the Caribbean were manipulated and abused by the IMF.  Entering into aid contracts for a short period of time, only to have the IMF/World Bank change the rules mid-flow. (This was a result of foreign folks going into the country and stripping it of timber [1950
s] thereby causing soil erosion and leaving the farmers in a pickle.)  The people of those countries are no longer allowed to sell their own goods in their country.  They are required to export food... all the while importing the food they consume.  This system makes zero sense.  If you don't believe me... you should watch "Life and Debt".  Amazingly insightful.  You should also read the book "A Small Place" by Jamaica Kincaid.  It will make you think twice about being a "tourist" and how the presence of foreigners can affect a small nation.  

I'm digressing from my original train of thought, which goes something like this... Be careful about blanket statements-- you know the old adage, "Think before you speak"?  It should be re-worded, "Read and learn before you speak".  Just sayin'... cause those of us who are informed are annoyed by those who aren't. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm melting....

We were frozen, now we're thawing.  I don't think global warming is the problem.  I think Mother Nature has gone trendy and developed "bi-polar disorder".  One week ago today, the windchill here in the Midwest was -20.  Today, the weather was a sweltering 55.  What is up?  

The melting snow creates a nasty, gray, icky mess.  But wait, there's more... in one week we will be frozen again.  And, you guessed it!  All this melting snow will become ice that is slicker that greased snot!  I'm not sure when you drove in the Midwest last... but let me tell you.  Every time they drive, it's like the first time.   

So... melting snow, erratic temperatures... these things annoy me.  Just thought I'd share. 

Sunday, January 10, 2010


No one can be annoyed everyday, unless they are Oscar the Grouch.  So, I've decided to write about something I'm stoked about, at least once per week.  Hey, I'm not all cranky, all the time.

Aside from being pleasantly surprised that there is a Wikipedia-type website devoted completely to the Muppets (awesome on so many levels).  I found a $20 error in my checkbook register-- in my favor.  Yep, that's right, the beer is on my tab tonight!

Although I write about the most annoying things in life, I'm still amazed at how little things can still make me happy.  My words of wisdom for this weeks end... 

"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose."~ Woody Allen.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"I know how you feel."

That phrase is supposed to invoke the feeling of not being alone in the world-- cue the sappy picture of cute cherubic children holding hands, walking amongst a field of spring flowers .  But, honestly, it does just the opposite for me.  

Empathy is not really something I understand.  The reason is: I will NEVER be able to get inside someone's head and know exactly what they are feeling.  I may have an idea but, I will NEVER know exactly how someone feels.  And I seriously doubt any of you will either.  Experiences all bring us to different conclusions in life.  

In Africa there is an idea of singularity.  Before you jump to the conclusion that you know what I'm talking about, let me explain.  They believe that each person borne unto this world is  irreplaceable, unique and one-of-a-kind.  We, here in the good ol' U.S. of A., have what is called individualism.  Yep, there's a big ole difference.  An "individual" represents a specific group of people.  Basically a sheep representing the herd.  Lemmings.

Unfortunately, I don't believe that's the case at all.  I think we are all singular and have been brainwashed to believe that we are replaceable.  Honestly, that's crap.  This mindset has led us to the overuse of the phrase "I know how you feel".  Because we have, since birth, been led to believe as such.  When it's really not the case.  

So... stop using that phrase, get with the program and realize you are unique... no one can read your mind (except maybe Dionne Warwick's Psychic Friends) and no one can replace you.  Sheep-like mentality is annoying.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Your Politics are Lodged in My Tonsils

So there I was...  Minding my own business, savoring every drop of my Guinness.  When out of nowhere, it happened ... the only sober guy in the place starts talkin' politics.  Damn, dude... you just killed the Bambi in my happy place.  The bartender surveys the annoyed looks and tries to change the subject-- She tried in vain.  Before we all knew it, there was a one-sided discussion on the parallels between religion and politics and how they are both evil entities that must be stopped.  

All the smart people moved to other areas of the bar.  I'm apparently not too bright--  I'm still not sure why I felt inclined to sit there and not follow the herd.  Looking back I believe I was paralyzed because my glass of liquid love was nearly empty and I was wanting a refill.  Nothing will get between me and my Guinness, not even a guy with a subscription to The Washington Examiner and a copy of Common Sense and The Bible in his back pockets.

Then something even worse happened.  I'm not sure why it happened or from whence it came, but I felt inclined to say, "I don't agree with you."  (Pause for effect, maintain eye contact)  Oh boy, that opened the gates and released the Kracken.  I felt like Acrisius of Argos ... I was about to be squished by a giant marble pillar, while being rolled around in tsunami-like waves.

I let the verbal lashing go on for 7 minutes and 42 seconds, as I finished my second beer.  And like a lightning bolt it hit me, I looked up and said, "I've gotta pee."  Genius.  No one can argue with bodily functions!  By the time I came back from the bathroom, the person had left and all was right with the world.  Unfortunately, it was getting late and drinking/driving don't mix so, I had a glass of water and chatted with my bar family-- completely avoiding the topic of what had just happened and how they abandoned me--traitors, see if I share my chocolate bars and nylons with you.   

So, the moral of the story boys & girls.  Don't taunt the crazies!  You will surely be annoyed or eaten by a mythical titan of unfathomable proportions.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pagan... no, Catholic... no, Jewish

I guess my annoyances as of late have to do with religion.  Well, they aren't really with the religions themselves-- to each his own.  It's more with the folks that can't make up their mind as to what religion they are, if any at all.  
My example-- a person I know who considered themselves Pagan, with spots of Christianity when we met.  That's fine and dandy.  But now, they are hard core Episcopalian because of a potential mate.  Lovely.  This transition happened after one visit to said Episcopal church... maybe it's because the sex was so good they thought they saw God.  Who knows.  Did I mention that they've also classified themselves as atheist, agnostic, Methodist and a practitioner of Druidism?  I must have left that little tidbit out... now you see my issue, hmm?

Freedom of religion is a great thing!  I'm all about it.  But, I draw the line at switching your preference back and forth like a dog who is overwhelmed by smells.  It has to be a decision based on self discovery, research and serious personal commitment.  

So quit being a spastic nerfbag, because you religious jumping beans are ticking me off.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bandwagon riders

I created this blog as a means to vent my frustrations with situations and people I encounter.  My first topic (and these will be presented in no particular order of annoyance) are people who "hop onto bandwagons".  You know who I'm talking about.  Those people who see/hear about a fad and automatically-- with cat-like reflexes-- are first in line to partake. "Hey, I saw Joe Celebrity got his butt hair waxed... let's go make an appointment today.  That sounds fun!"

I remember as a child hearing about "Moonies".  I didn't really understand what/who they were, although, I knew they were some sort of religious followers.  Well, I'm not going into detail on who/what they are-- because you can read about them here.  But, this is an example of what I'm talking about.  

Cult followers and people who only do things because someone else said it was a good idea.  They annoy me.