Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bandwagon riders

I created this blog as a means to vent my frustrations with situations and people I encounter.  My first topic (and these will be presented in no particular order of annoyance) are people who "hop onto bandwagons".  You know who I'm talking about.  Those people who see/hear about a fad and automatically-- with cat-like reflexes-- are first in line to partake. "Hey, I saw Joe Celebrity got his butt hair waxed... let's go make an appointment today.  That sounds fun!"

I remember as a child hearing about "Moonies".  I didn't really understand what/who they were, although, I knew they were some sort of religious followers.  Well, I'm not going into detail on who/what they are-- because you can read about them here.  But, this is an example of what I'm talking about.  

Cult followers and people who only do things because someone else said it was a good idea.  They annoy me.

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