Sunday, January 24, 2010

Privacy Please

Sometime in December, Facebook creator Mark Zuckerburg decided that his over 350 million users didn't need their privacy.  The default setting for a Facebook profile was set to "everyone".  Which meant that everyone on God's green Earth could see whatever you had posted on your profile.  

It took a little time for users to realize that everything we did on FB was now viewable by ALL our friends and the friends of those friends.  Every "like", "add", "comment" and what-have-you, now shows up in the "News Feed".  Ridiculous.  

I tend to be one of the more private people in the world... hence my anonymity on this blog.  I was LIVID when I found out that it was as easy as "click" for anyone on my "friend's list" to see what I had written on a non-mutual friend's wall.  This article explains it better than I can and makes me happy to know that I'm not alone in my dismay.  To my surprise and delight there is also an official petition to change the settings back-- brought to you by the ACLU!  If that's not enough, you can join the FB Group called "Bring back News Feed and Wall privacy settings"

I'm not sure about you all... but I find that the entire situation is bull crap and I'm seriously pissed off by "Zuck's" lack of consideration for what the masses seem to want.  Seriously... why would I want to share pictures of my family, pets or last drunken party with the world?  There may be a ton of exhibitionists out there but I find that they are limited in number and that regular folks like your's truly just want to be left alone.

1 comment:

Wiwille said...

I go back and forth with this. I do sometimes want my privacy, but then I have to remind myself that if I really want to keep my life a secret FB is really not a good idea, or the internet for that matter.