Friday, January 15, 2010


I'm tired of the misinformed masses that suck up the precious air we breathe.  

The tragedy in Haiti is just that ... tragic.  Mother Nature can be a vengeful mistress and Haiti has been her target multiple times in the last two years.  

Here is a little fact file on Haiti, compiled by the CIA.  I recommend that everyone read up.

I was discussing the plight of the people in this extremely impoverished country and their response was, "Why in the hell are we scampering to send money to those people?"  I said, "Seriously?  You really don't know?" They responded that "we" (Americans, I'm assuming) need to stop sending money to other countries and help ourselves-- "they put themselves in their current position".  Wow.  My response must of sounded harsh (like I care).  But, I said, "Wow, are you always this ignorant?"  There was a long pause... rightly so.

I continued... those people didn't ask to be poor.  That country, like so many others in the Caribbean were manipulated and abused by the IMF.  Entering into aid contracts for a short period of time, only to have the IMF/World Bank change the rules mid-flow. (This was a result of foreign folks going into the country and stripping it of timber [1950
s] thereby causing soil erosion and leaving the farmers in a pickle.)  The people of those countries are no longer allowed to sell their own goods in their country.  They are required to export food... all the while importing the food they consume.  This system makes zero sense.  If you don't believe me... you should watch "Life and Debt".  Amazingly insightful.  You should also read the book "A Small Place" by Jamaica Kincaid.  It will make you think twice about being a "tourist" and how the presence of foreigners can affect a small nation.  

I'm digressing from my original train of thought, which goes something like this... Be careful about blanket statements-- you know the old adage, "Think before you speak"?  It should be re-worded, "Read and learn before you speak".  Just sayin'... cause those of us who are informed are annoyed by those who aren't. 

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